Colhugh Connoiseur Colhugh CartierColhugh Claude of Longuin o. Carol Broxup Olias Tangerine Dream Dimland Petya Sadko of ColhughGrand Manner of Colhugh
Annikka of Greenhaven
Colhugh Oriole of Dimland Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth
Tina of Colhugh
Colhugh Collette of Olias Colhugh Buttons Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth
Tina of Colhugh
Colhugh Valla Grand Manner of Colhugh
Annikka of Greenhaven
Colugh Crumpet Dimland Kohoutek of Colhugh o. Reg Bassett Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev
Wellthornes Kalinka
Dimland Zerlina of Colhugh Zircon of Fortrouge
Annikka of Greenhaven
Waycross KaterinaAlexi of Colhugh Grand Manner of Colhugh
Annikka of Greenhaven
Annastasia of WaycrossShelbor's Apollo
Liognka of Waycross
Colhugh Calpernia Zomahli Udachnik of Colhugh Yadasar Midnight Rider Yadasar Rider of The Night Sholwood Seraph
Petronella of Yadasar
Yadasar Greta Keepers The Baron
Petronella of Yadasar
Zomahli Molba Falconcrag Khristov Zomahli Nachal
Falconcrag Ebony
Racingold Yelena Zomahli Harorshyi
Zomahli Iskra of Racingold
Fortrouge Circe Karisoff Zaromski Francehill Joker Reyas Rodin
Francehill Sweet Sherry
Karisoff Zarina Chinnor Tchaika
Chinnor Madame Kovalesky
Portia of Fortrouge Zomahli Harorshyi Zomahli Gordey
Zomahli Narida
Springbank Lili Reyas Rodin
Springbank Reyas Raincloud
Colhugh CindersColhugh Clangers Dimland Kohoutek of Colhugh o. Reg Bassett Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev Zomahli Chernila
Angelola of Enolam
Wellthornes Kalinka Arnorinski of Greenhaven
Galina of Matalona
Dimland Zerlina of Colhugh Zircon of Fortrouge Buran
Carlotta of Fortrouge
Annikka of Greenhaven Arnorinski of Greenhaven
Menthe's Golden Clou of Greenhaven
Keepers Falling Leaves Dimland Titan King Keepers The Baron Buran
Angelola of Enolam
Sholwood Chinnor Janivere Reyas Marquis
Chinnor Mystic Smile
Keepers Zaneza Keepers Arco of Greenhaven Armiola Zumír o. Wieczorek
Matalona Azela of Greenhaven
Falconcrag Ksarina Barthill Feodorovitch
Lataband Anita
Colhugh ClodahDimland Petya Sadko of ColhughGrand Manner of Colhugh Lataband Alexi
Reyas Red Plume
Annikka of Greenhaven Arnorinski of Greenhaven
Menthe's Golden Clou of Greenhaven
Colhugh Oriole of Dimland Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev
Wellthornes Kalinka
Tina of Colhugh Grand Manner of Colhugh
Annikka of Greenhaven
Colhugh Crystal Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev Zomahli Chernila
Angelola of Enolam
Wellthornes Kalinka Arnorinski of Greenhaven
Galina of Matalona
Sarclash of Colhugh Grand Manner of Colhugh Lataband Alexi
Reyas Red Plume
Annikka of Greenhaven Arnorinski of Greenhaven
Menthe's Golden Clou of Greenhaven
Sukeshi Sirius,  Female,  06.10.1999 (d.m.y)
Gismonda Pacific PeachAzka Gucci Of LabinskaYadasar Huckleberry HoraceOlias Oberon Colhugh Clangers Dimland Kohoutek of Colhugh o. Reg Bassett Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth
Dimland Zerlina of Colhugh
Keepers Falling Leaves Dimland Titan King
Keepers Zaneza
Colhugh Collette of Olias Colhugh Buttons Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth
Tina of Colhugh
Colhugh Valla Grand Manner of Colhugh
Annikka of Greenhaven
Yadasar Black AngelYadasar Fancy FreeColhugh Clangers Dimland Kohoutek of Colhugh o. Reg Bassett
Keepers Falling Leaves
Yadasar Grace Darling o. Anne Tomlinson Yadasar Rider of The Night
Yadasar Greta
Tayu Casmilla of Yadasar Yadasar Rider of The Night Sholwood Seraph
Petronella of Yadasar
Falconcrag Ebony Vorenoff Draco
Falconcrag Roksana
Azka NikitaColhugh Count Oscar of AzkaBaroncroft ScharanskyColhugh Cupid of BaroncroftWellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth
Sarclash of Colhugh
Dimland NatashaSadko of Colhugh
Colhugh Oriole of Dimland
Colhugh Crumpet Dimland Kohoutek of Colhugh o. Reg Bassett Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth
Dimland Zerlina of Colhugh
Waycross KaterinaAlexi of Colhugh
Annastasia of Waycross
Azka NatashaColhugh Clangers Dimland Kohoutek of Colhugh o. Reg Bassett Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth
Dimland Zerlina of Colhugh
Keepers Falling Leaves Dimland Titan King
Keepers Zaneza
Stonebar PorcelaineStonebar Nikolenka Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth
Lisa of Waycross
Portia of Fortrouge Zomahli Harorshyi
Springbank Lili
Nosirrah Sea LavenderGismonda Chip off the RockRyazan RhettWaycross Rockafella of ZackavilleDimland Kohoutek of Colhugh o. Reg Bassett Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth
Dimland Zerlina of Colhugh
Waycross RoksanaWellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth
Lisa of Waycross
Ryazan Tosca of StonebarOlias Tangerine Dream Dimland Petya
Colhugh Collette of Olias
Stonebar Reflection of RyazanStonebar Nikolenka
Francehill Full Hand
Gismonda Tepid RumourFortrouge UlriceBacaret Zebe of ZoriboSholwood Seraph
Plurenden Zoe
Fortrouge NicoletteStonebar Nikolenka
Maya of Fortrouge
Fortrouge MousseStonebar Nikolenka Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth
Lisa of Waycross
Portia of Fortrouge Zomahli Harorshyi
Springbank Lili
Camero FlambereElmerkin Echo FallsYadasar Midnight Rider Yadasar Rider of The Night Sholwood Seraph
Petronella of Yadasar
Yadasar Greta Keepers The Baron
Petronella of Yadasar
Baroncroft Love in the MistDimland Petya Sadko of Colhugh
Colhugh Oriole of Dimland
Dimland KalistaDimland Kolhuteg of Colhugh
Colhugh Oriole of Dimland
Colhugh CrissiColhugh Clangers Dimland Kohoutek of Colhugh o. Reg Bassett Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth
Dimland Zerlina of Colhugh
Keepers Falling Leaves Dimland Titan King
Keepers Zaneza
Waycross Camaree of ColhughColhugh Cob NutDimland Petya
Colhugh Crystal
Waycross Carisma of Colhughunknown
Waycross Roksana

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