Manitias Ice Bear Manitias Baron Selderhof Manitias Valshebnik Manitias Marengo Dimland Iago of Colhugh Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev
Wellthornes Kalinka
Dimland Zerlina of Colhugh Zircon of Fortrouge
Annikka of Greenhaven
Manitia Black Secret Rodgivad Moonraker Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev
Rodgivad Virago
Rodgivad Sea Nymph Keepers The Baron
Rodgivad Virago
Keepers Juliana Keepers Hadrianus Caesar Keepers Black Hawk Keepers The Baron
Rodgivad Moonflower
Keepers Amazing Grace Geroi of Keepers
Keepers Baroness
Keepers Everafter Keepers Vaguely Noble Geroi of Keepers
Keepers Baroness
Keepers Selphides Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev
Keepers Doushiska
Arbee Corvetta of Cawder Keepers The Don Geroi of Keepers Grifo der Karolinger von Wienerwald 1167/bp o. Subbotina G.A. Koltai Springinsfeld
Halka vom Bergland
Femina 1039/bp o. Volodina V.A. Amur v d Kaiserpfalz o. Kolpakova V.S
Latka 1020/bp o. Volodina V.A.
Keepers Baroness Keepers The Baron Buran
Angelola of Enolam
Keepers Sardi Zoril of Carradale
Aglaia of Keepers
Arbee Petrouchka of Cawder Arbee Saballa Boronoff BandolierBoronoff Blakmo
Boronoff Bochloe
Arbee AltaraBoronoff Bonero
Boronoff Birotka
Arbee NadezdaBoronoff BoneroFalconcrag Sirotka
Falconcrag Keepers Freyna
Boronoff BettamaElfields Vladas Mikenas
Elfields Tara
Manitias Silk TasselManitias Baron Selderhof Manitias Valshebnik Manitias Marengo Dimland Iago of Colhugh Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth
Dimland Zerlina of Colhugh
Manitia Black Secret Rodgivad Moonraker
Rodgivad Sea Nymph
Keepers Juliana Keepers Hadrianus Caesar Keepers Black Hawk
Keepers Amazing Grace
Keepers Everafter Keepers Vaguely Noble
Keepers Selphides
Arbee Corvetta of Cawder Keepers The Don Geroi of Keepers Grifo der Karolinger von Wienerwald 1167/bp o. Subbotina G.A.
Femina 1039/bp o. Volodina V.A.
Keepers Baroness Keepers The Baron
Keepers Sardi
Arbee Petrouchka of Cawder Arbee Saballa Boronoff Bandolier
Arbee Altara
Arbee NadezdaBoronoff Bonero
Boronoff Bettama
Manitia Pitasia Dimland Iago of Colhugh Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev Zomahli Chernila
Angelola of Enolam
Wellthornes Kalinka Arnorinski of Greenhaven
Galina of Matalona
Dimland Zerlina of Colhugh Zircon of Fortrouge Buran
Carlotta of Fortrouge
Annikka of Greenhaven Arnorinski of Greenhaven
Menthe's Golden Clou of Greenhaven
Manitias Symphony in Black Manitias Total Eclipse Rodgivad Moonraker Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev
Rodgivad Virago
Rodgivad Sea Nymph Keepers The Baron
Rodgivad Virago
Manitias Yakutia Rodgivad Hopeful Keepers Romance
Rodgivad Moonflower
Rodgivad Sea Nymph Keepers The Baron
Rodgivad Virago
Manitias I See Ice,  Female,  27.10.1991 (d.m.y)
Manitias Silk TasselManitias Baron Selderhof Manitias Valshebnik Manitias Marengo Dimland Iago of Colhugh Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev
Wellthornes Kalinka
Dimland Zerlina of Colhugh Zircon of Fortrouge
Annikka of Greenhaven
Manitia Black Secret Rodgivad Moonraker Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev
Rodgivad Virago
Rodgivad Sea Nymph Keepers The Baron
Rodgivad Virago
Keepers Juliana Keepers Hadrianus Caesar Keepers Black Hawk Keepers The Baron
Rodgivad Moonflower
Keepers Amazing Grace Geroi of Keepers
Keepers Baroness
Keepers Everafter Keepers Vaguely Noble Geroi of Keepers
Keepers Baroness
Keepers Selphides Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev
Keepers Doushiska
Arbee Corvetta of Cawder Keepers The Don Geroi of Keepers Grifo der Karolinger von Wienerwald 1167/bp o. Subbotina G.A. Koltai Springinsfeld
Halka vom Bergland
Femina 1039/bp o. Volodina V.A. Amur v d Kaiserpfalz o. Kolpakova V.S
Latka 1020/bp o. Volodina V.A.
Keepers Baroness Keepers The Baron Buran
Angelola of Enolam
Keepers Sardi Zoril of Carradale
Aglaia of Keepers
Arbee Petrouchka of Cawder Arbee Saballa Boronoff BandolierBoronoff Blakmo
Boronoff Bochloe
Arbee AltaraBoronoff Bonero
Boronoff Birotka
Arbee NadezdaBoronoff BoneroFalconcrag Sirotka
Falconcrag Keepers Freyna
Boronoff BettamaElfields Vladas Mikenas
Elfields Tara
Manitia Pitasia Dimland Iago of Colhugh Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev Zomahli Chernila Zeraph of Carradale
Zavist of Carradale
Angelola of Enolam Reyas Ringer
Reyas Black Magic
Wellthornes Kalinka Arnorinski of Greenhaven Marcellus of Fortrouge
Winjones Radonga
Galina of Matalona Matalona Babur of Rydens
Cymbal of Fortrouge
Dimland Zerlina of Colhugh Zircon of Fortrouge Buran Valday 1003/bp o. Gilyarov E.N
Sajga o. Lubavshin I.I. (ex. Voznesenskiy)
Carlotta of Fortrouge Arnorinski of Greenhaven
Whisper of Fortrouge
Annikka of Greenhaven Arnorinski of Greenhaven Marcellus of Fortrouge
Winjones Radonga
Menthe's Golden Clou of Greenhaven Waldtuefel of Menthe
Harewarren Wishful
Manitias Symphony in Black Manitias Total Eclipse Rodgivad Moonraker Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev Zomahli Chernila
Angelola of Enolam
Rodgivad Virago Reyas Red Glow
Rodgivad Amethyst of Bobrowska
Rodgivad Sea Nymph Keepers The Baron Buran
Angelola of Enolam
Rodgivad Virago Reyas Red Glow
Rodgivad Amethyst of Bobrowska
Manitias Yakutia Rodgivad Hopeful Keepers RomanceKeepers Arco of Greenhaven
Keepers Starlight Les Angels
Rodgivad Moonflower Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev
Rodgivad Virago
Rodgivad Sea Nymph Keepers The Baron Buran
Angelola of Enolam
Rodgivad Virago Reyas Red Glow
Rodgivad Amethyst of Bobrowska

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