Swiftcroft Crown Imperial at MalbrinColhugh Celinor at Malbrin o. Marian UrsellColhugh Claude of Longuin o. Carol Broxup Olias Tangerine Dream Dimland Petya Sadko of ColhughGrand Manner of Colhugh
Annikka of Greenhaven
Colhugh Oriole of Dimland Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth
Tina of Colhugh
Colhugh Collette of Olias Colhugh Buttons Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth
Tina of Colhugh
Colhugh Valla Grand Manner of Colhugh
Annikka of Greenhaven
Colugh Crumpet Dimland Kohoutek of Colhugh o. Reg Bassett Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev
Wellthornes Kalinka
Dimland Zerlina of Colhugh Zircon of Fortrouge
Annikka of Greenhaven
Waycross KaterinaAlexi of Colhugh Grand Manner of Colhugh
Annikka of Greenhaven
Annastasia of WaycrossShelbor's Apollo
Liognka of Waycross
Colhugh Calpernia Zomahli Udachnik of Colhugh Yadasar Midnight Rider Yadasar Rider of The Night Sholwood Seraph
Petronella of Yadasar
Yadasar Greta Keepers The Baron
Petronella of Yadasar
Zomahli Molba Falconcrag Khristov Zomahli Nachal
Falconcrag Ebony
Racingold Yelena Zomahli Harorshyi
Zomahli Iskra of Racingold
Fortrouge Circe Karisoff Zaromski Francehill Joker Reyas Rodin
Francehill Sweet Sherry
Karisoff Zarina Chinnor Tchaika
Chinnor Madame Kovalesky
Portia of Fortrouge Zomahli Harorshyi Zomahli Gordey
Zomahli Narida
Springbank Lili Reyas Rodin
Springbank Reyas Raincloud
Swiftcroft Pretty FlamingoSwiftcroft Super StarColhugh Cobnut o. Reg BassettDimland Kohoutek of Colhugh o. Reg Bassett Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev
Wellthornes Kalinka
Dimland Zerlina of Colhugh Zircon of Fortrouge
Annikka of Greenhaven
Colhugh Crystal Wellthornes Tilosky o. Ron & Dyane Roth Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev
Wellthornes Kalinka
Sarclash of Colhugh Grand Manner of Colhugh
Annikka of Greenhaven
Swiftcroft Blythe SpiritBacaret Prince NoirPatrioona Keepers Bolshoi Keepers The Baron
Keepers Sardi
Bacaret Copper Queen Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev
Busa of Matalona
Swiftcroft Elusive Spirit Sissenheiman Sokol Igor Iochum
Zomahli Hvatka
Swiftcroft Car Crazy CutiePhoenix of Matalona
Swiftcroft Nefertiti
Swiftcroft Pretty WomanFrancehill Pickwick Francehill Pimlico Zomahli Harorshyi Zomahli Gordey
Zomahli Narida
Springbank Lili Reyas Rodin
Springbank Reyas Raincloud
Francehill Pantaloons Alexi of Colhugh Grand Manner of Colhugh
Annikka of Greenhaven
Francehill Mary Poppins Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev
Francehill Sweet Sherry
Swiftcroft Aires 'n GracesSissenheiman Sokol Igor Iochum Frimodt's Frappant
Chinnor Kerstin
Zomahli Hvatka Zomahli Gordey
Zomahli Narida
Swiftcroft Car Crazy CutiePhoenix of Matalona Gay Navaree of Matalona
Keepers Petite Etoile
Swiftcroft Nefertiti Francehill Russian Cocktail
Swiftcroft Chinnor None Sweeter
Malbrin Dark Delight at Ingledene,  Female,  black & white & tan,  19.06.1995 (d.m.y)
Datcha BasnyaSholwood Striking Midnight at DatchaSholwood Stars'n Stripes Stillwater Jubilee Stillwater The Tennessean Thistle of Sunbarr Romulus of Sunbarr
Patricia of Sunbarr
Stillwater Kracota Krashne IIThistle of Sunbarr
Stillwater Kracota Krashne
Stillwater Hoedown Golden Boy of Barinsky Stillwater Argyle of Sunbarr
Petrikov Janna of Far Fields
Stillwater R'Hahone Hoheit Just Krillut of Sirhan
Just Krillut of Sirhan
Stillwater Virginia Reel Stillwater The Tennessean Thistle of Sunbarr Romulus of Sunbarr
Patricia of Sunbarr
Stillwater Kracota Krashne IIThistle of Sunbarr
Stillwater Kracota Krashne
Stillwater Hoedown Golden Boy of Barinsky Stillwater Argyle of Sunbarr
Petrikov Janna of Far Fields
Stillwater R'Hahone Hoheit Just Krillut of Sirhan
Just Krillut of Sirhan
Sholwood Spring Muslin Livny Black Eagle Bacaret Milord of Matalona Patrioona Keepers Bolshoi Keepers The Baron
Keepers Sardi
Bacaret Copper Queen Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev
Busa of Matalona
Livny Autumn Sorrel Karisoff Zaromski Francehill Joker
Karisoff Zarina
Keepers Enchantress of Livny Keepers Vaguely Noble
Keepers Selphides
Velvet of Fortrouge Zomahli Udachnik of Colhugh Yadasar Midnight Rider Yadasar Rider of The Night
Yadasar Greta
Zomahli Molba Falconcrag Khristov
Racingold Yelena
Fortrouge Circe Karisoff Zaromski Francehill Joker
Karisoff Zarina
Portia of Fortrouge Zomahli Harorshyi
Springbank Lili
Sholwood Spring Muslin Livny Black Eagle Bacaret Milord of Matalona Patrioona Keepers Bolshoi Keepers The Baron Buran
Angelola of Enolam
Keepers Sardi Zoril of Carradale
Aglaia of Keepers
Bacaret Copper Queen Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev Zomahli Chernila
Angelola of Enolam
Busa of Matalona Sagar of Matalona
Matalona Amanda of Greenhaven
Livny Autumn Sorrel Karisoff Zaromski Francehill Joker Reyas Rodin
Francehill Sweet Sherry
Karisoff Zarina Chinnor Tchaika
Chinnor Madame Kovalesky
Keepers Enchantress of Livny Keepers Vaguely Noble Geroi of Keepers
Keepers Baroness
Keepers Selphides Keepers Michaelangelo o. Solovjev
Keepers Doushiska
Velvet of Fortrouge Zomahli Udachnik of Colhugh Yadasar Midnight Rider Yadasar Rider of The Night Sholwood Seraph
Petronella of Yadasar
Yadasar Greta Keepers The Baron
Petronella of Yadasar
Zomahli Molba Falconcrag Khristov Zomahli Nachal
Falconcrag Ebony
Racingold Yelena Zomahli Harorshyi
Zomahli Iskra of Racingold
Fortrouge Circe Karisoff Zaromski Francehill Joker Reyas Rodin
Francehill Sweet Sherry
Karisoff Zarina Chinnor Tchaika
Chinnor Madame Kovalesky
Portia of Fortrouge Zomahli Harorshyi Zomahli Gordey
Zomahli Narida
Springbank Lili Reyas Rodin
Springbank Reyas Raincloud

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