Sunbarr Ranch Obenauf Tobolzkoi Krasnoje Selo Polongai Porchai Krasnoje Selo Durak Deljanoff Krasnoje Selo Stepnjakov's Nikolai Achilles de la FélicitéChic de l'Ermitage
Nedda v Silberhof
Stepnjakov's Anna Arsa's Achill
Ehre Toboltzkoi
Ruselka Krasnoje Selo Achilles de la FélicitéChic de l'Ermitage
Nedda v Silberhof
Czardas Krasnoje Selo Daniar de Saint-Trond
Usch v Lindenhof
Moja Krasnoje Selo Aless v Vredewold Clown Beekaal L'Axel de Saratow
Utreha v Silberhof
Kampajola v Vredewold Aliaska v Guldenhof
Nedda v Silberhof
Ruselka Krasnoje Selo Achilles de la FélicitéChic de l'Ermitage
Nedda v Silberhof
Czardas Krasnoje Selo Daniar de Saint-Trond
Usch v Lindenhof
Kaskade v Silberhof Götz v Silberhof Woronof v Silberhof Granat Ural Amurat Aless Ural
Faible Ural
Lucia v Silberhof Podar Windsbraut
Atiaka Beresina
Fackel v Silberhof Orlog v Silberhof Rasswet's Orik
Otmena v Silberhof
Zenith v Silberhof Taskai v Silberhof
Utreha v Silberhof
Ottij v Silberhof Rasswet's Orik Rasswet's Nobler Amurat Aless Ural
Rasswet's Flamme
Rasswet's Marotte Rasswet's Hochmut
Cyclame v. Hohenzollern
Otmena v Silberhof Arwed v Hohenfels Cresta's Husdent
Almaska Smaragd
Lucia v Silberhof Podar Windsbraut
Atiaka Beresina
Solo of Barnaigh Reyas Romancer Reyas Mende Moryak of Moskowa Mythe Marinsky Mythe Mazeppa
Mythe Marika
Moskowa Borzaya of BransgoreAkuratni of Romanoff
Bransgore Mona Lisa
Winjones Akulina Kuban Almaz Mythe Grishka
Kestor Zmarovna
Astrakan of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh
Sylph of Barnaigh
Winjones Akulina Kuban Almaz Mythe GrishkaMythe Mazeppa
Mythe Felia
Kestor Zmarovna Zmaros of Bransgore
Boriana of Bransgore
Astrakan of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh Akuratni of Romanoff
Brizhi of Bransgore
Sylph of Barnaigh Panther of Barnaigh
Benita of Ardinge
Chinchilla of BarnaighYerres Vom Bergland [Menthes]Kyrill v Bergland Rasswet's Fanal Rasswet's Sieg
Freude Allwind
Fialka v Bergland Matador Ural
Laetitia de Ruwendael
Jaspis v Bergland Figaro v Bergland Matador Ural
Laetitia de Ruwendael
Lajana (La Jana) v Karamasov Kobold v Karamasow
Ilonka v Karamasow
Domino of Barnaigh Winjones Ataman Kuban Almaz Mythe Grishka
Kestor Zmarovna
Astrakan of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh
Sylph of Barnaigh
Natasha of BarnaighBargany of Barnaigh Akuratni of Romanoff
Brizhi of Bransgore
Berneice of Barnaigh Mythe Mauris
Miss Mazeppa of Barnaigh
Borodin Kara Kum,  Female,  rd tn blk wh,  20.10.1960 (d.m.y)
Tamyra of Malora Winjones Paskoss Winjones Ermolai Winjones Ataman Kuban Almaz Mythe GrishkaMythe Mazeppa
Mythe Felia
Kestor Zmarovna Zmaros of Bransgore
Boriana of Bransgore
Astrakan of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh Akuratni of Romanoff
Brizhi of Bransgore
Sylph of Barnaigh Panther of Barnaigh
Benita of Ardinge
Winjones Jiffy of Nenefen Kretchit of Kuban Kuban Almaz Mythe Grishka
Kestor Zmarovna
Kuban Baba Yaga Zmaros of Bransgore
Brizhi of Bransgore
Orita of MarethWickam of Silverpines Mythe Marinsky
Marketa of Mantavani
Tanya of BarnaighBeau Brummel of Barnaigh
Sylph of Barnaigh
Winjones Dunyashka Moryak of Moskowa Mythe Marinsky Mythe Mazeppa Gornostay of Addlestone
Mythe Moya
Mythe Marika Mythe Ivanoff
Templewood Rynda
Moskowa Borzaya of BransgoreAkuratni of Romanoff Vigow O'Valley Farm
Zanoza of Recall
Bransgore Mona Lisa Brussiloff of Bransgore
Brodovka of Bransgore
Astrakan of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh Akuratni of Romanoff Vigow O'Valley Farm
Zanoza of Recall
Brizhi of Bransgore Brussiloff of Bransgore
Zagavor of Bransgore (Nitsichin)
Sylph of Barnaigh Panther of Barnaigh Templewood Atman
Mythe Malodka
Benita of Ardinge Blandin of Bransgore
Chara of Bransgore
Bright of Barnaigh Reyas Romancer Reyas Mende Moryak of Moskowa Mythe Marinsky Mythe Mazeppa
Mythe Marika
Moskowa Borzaya of BransgoreAkuratni of Romanoff
Bransgore Mona Lisa
Winjones Akulina Kuban Almaz Mythe Grishka
Kestor Zmarovna
Astrakan of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh
Sylph of Barnaigh
Winjones Akulina Kuban Almaz Mythe GrishkaMythe Mazeppa
Mythe Felia
Kestor Zmarovna Zmaros of Bransgore
Boriana of Bransgore
Astrakan of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh Akuratni of Romanoff
Brizhi of Bransgore
Sylph of Barnaigh Panther of Barnaigh
Benita of Ardinge
Onyx of Barnaigh Winjones Ataman Kuban Almaz Mythe GrishkaMythe Mazeppa
Mythe Felia
Kestor Zmarovna Zmaros of Bransgore
Boriana of Bransgore
Astrakan of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh Akuratni of Romanoff
Brizhi of Bransgore
Sylph of Barnaigh Panther of Barnaigh
Benita of Ardinge
Natasha of BarnaighBargany of Barnaigh Akuratni of Romanoff Vigow O'Valley Farm
Zanoza of Recall
Brizhi of Bransgore Brussiloff of Bransgore
Zagavor of Bransgore (Nitsichin)
Berneice of Barnaigh Mythe MaurisIvan of Rebma
Mythe Moya
Miss Mazeppa of Barnaigh Mythe Mazeppa
Lady Luck of Barnaigh o. Mrs. K. McNeil

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