Springbank Sarno Reyas Marquis Reyas Rubato Dimski of Rydens Eglon of Rydens Rimski of Rydens Mythe Marinsky
Mermaid of Tangmere
Olga of Lenoken Ivan of Lenoken
Jewel of Lenoken
Sweet Sue of Rydens Eglon of Rydens Rimski of Rydens
Olga of Lenoken
Rydens Reyas Malina Balalaika of Rydens
Winjones Akulina
Reyas Rosalia Reyas Mende Moryak of Moskowa Mythe Marinsky
Moskowa Borzaya of Bransgore
Winjones Akulina Kuban Almaz
Astrakan of Barnaigh
Reyas Rhythm Balalaika of Rydens Rimski of Rydens
Olga of Lenoken
Winjones Akulina Kuban Almaz
Astrakan of Barnaigh
Reyas Marquista of Astonoff Tzar of Astonoff Eglon of Rydens Rimski of Rydens Mythe Marinsky
Mermaid of Tangmere
Olga of Lenoken Ivan of Lenoken
Jewel of Lenoken
Rydens Destiny of Astonoff Eglon of Rydens Rimski of Rydens
Olga of Lenoken
Bertramilva of AstonoffRodky of Mantavani
Rydens Destiny of Astonoff Eglon of Rydens Rimski of Rydens Mythe Marinsky
Mermaid of Tangmere
Olga of Lenoken Ivan of Lenoken
Jewel of Lenoken
Bertramilva of AstonoffRodky of Mantavani Vasstri of Mantavani
Mova of Mantavani
Tasha White Crusader
Tamasha of Pyenot
Reyas Tonya Rydens Periwinkle of HindhamFaust of Hindham Eglon of Rydens Rimski of Rydens Mythe Marinsky
Mermaid of Tangmere
Olga of Lenoken Ivan of Lenoken
Jewel of Lenoken
Seidal of Hindham Moryak of Moskowa Mythe Marinsky
Moskowa Borzaya of Bransgore
Bonnie Jean of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh
Marvellous of Lenoken
Angelola Challenge Mythe Marinsky Mythe Mazeppa
Mythe Marika
Mythe PetchoraMythe Mazeppa
Mythe Petroushka
Ladoga Nalivka Kuban Almaz Mythe Grishka
Kestor Zmarovna
Kuban Nadeja Zmaros of Bransgore
Brizhi of Bransgore
Reyas Sandra Jonathan of YadasarGay Cavalier of Yadasar Winjones Ermolai Winjones Ataman
Winjones Jiffy of Nenefen
Winjones Bolshaia Balalaika of Rydens
Winjones Bistri
Tessina of Yadasar Zikovitch of Mantavani Vasstri of Mantavani
Mova of Mantavani
Sorokina of Mantavani Vasstri of Mantavani
Marika of Mantavani
Reyas Rosalia Reyas Mende Moryak of Moskowa Mythe Marinsky
Moskowa Borzaya of Bransgore
Winjones Akulina Kuban Almaz
Astrakan of Barnaigh
Reyas Rhythm Balalaika of Rydens Rimski of Rydens
Olga of Lenoken
Winjones Akulina Kuban Almaz
Astrakan of Barnaigh
Lavrenty Beria of Aristoff,  кобель,  02.04.1969
Потомки: Schgundula of Aristoff
Sherdon's Desiree Of AristoffSascha Kochab of HethivarYermak's Rurick Mythe Ivanoff of Alpine Atamen of Alpine Midtfyns Boja Finis Pjotr
Hollywoods Lola
Marvola Adams Kuzjani of Millvale
Ver-Sam's Patrusha
Markina of Mantavani Vasstri of Mantavani Workman
Mythe Marousia
Mova of Mantavani Mythe Grishka
Velikaya of Mantavani
Zvezda Petrovna of Alpine Atamen of Alpine Midtfyns Boja Finis Pjotr
Hollywoods Lola
Marvola Adams Kuzjani of Millvale
Ver-Sam's Patrusha
Uda Adams Lumurr Adams Tyddo of Romanoff
Adana of Romanoff
Irina Adams Vigow O.V.F. of Romanoff
Borina of Hensey Hobby Farm
Alta of Alpine Yermak's Tuman Mythe Ivanoff of Alpine Atamen of Alpine Midtfyns Boja
Marvola Adams
Markina of Mantavani Vasstri of Mantavani
Mova of Mantavani
Zvezda Petrovna of Alpine Atamen of Alpine Midtfyns Boja
Marvola Adams
Uda Adams Lumurr Adams
Irina Adams
Mythe Marova of Alpine Atamen of Alpine Midtfyns Boja Finis Pjotr
Hollywoods Lola
Marvola Adams Kuzjani of Millvale
Ver-Sam's Patrusha
Markina of Mantavani Vasstri of Mantavani Workman
Mythe Marousia
Mova of Mantavani Mythe Grishka
Velikaya of Mantavani
The Don's Zephora of MaloraThe Great Alexander of MaloraA Knight To Remember of Malora Ramadan Cygne Gay Cavalier of Yadasar Winjones Ermolai
Winjones Bolshaia
Ivanda of Yadasar Winjones Filip of Bronzmaun
Winjones Bolshaia
Zelda Shaun of Malor Barinoff Ambassador Mazeppa Brazhnikoff
Zula of Whitelilies
Lucky Lady of Barnaigh Yerres Vom Bergland [Menthes]
Domino of Barnaigh
Elegance In Ermine of Malora Shere Kahn of MaloraBedford Midas Kado Nikita O'Dolina
Rubinoff Babe
Lada Veranoff Morris' Duke Boris
Morris' Princess Petrova
Lenka of Lee HarAlexis of SusarofCount Dracula
Smith's Patsonya Kossack Ivan of Fergovia
Segah of Alanick
Treasure of Malora Winjones Paskoss Winjones Ermolai Winjones Ataman Kuban Almaz
Astrakan of Barnaigh
Winjones Jiffy of Nenefen Kretchit of Kuban
Orita of Mareth
Winjones Dunyashka Moryak of Moskowa Mythe Marinsky
Moskowa Borzaya of Bransgore
Astrakan of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh
Sylph of Barnaigh
Zelda Shaun of Malor Barinoff Ambassador Mazeppa Brazhnikoff Amber Elegance
Barinina of Barinoff
Zula of Whitelilies Moryak of Moskowa
Winjones Zorka
Lucky Lady of Barnaigh Yerres Vom Bergland [Menthes]Kyrill v Bergland
Jaspis v Bergland
Domino of Barnaigh Winjones Ataman
Natasha of Barnaigh

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