Winjones Paskoss Winjones Ermolai Winjones Ataman Kuban Almaz Mythe GrishkaMythe Mazeppa Gornostay of Addlestone
Mythe Moya
Mythe FeliaMythe Mazeppa
Mythe Planza
Kestor Zmarovna Zmaros of Bransgore Akuratni of Romanoff
Templewood Rynda
Boriana of Bransgore Brazhnik of Bransgore
Brodovka of Bransgore
Astrakan of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh Akuratni of Romanoff Vigow O'Valley Farm
Zanoza of Recall
Brizhi of Bransgore Brussiloff of Bransgore
Zagavor of Bransgore (Nitsichin)
Sylph of Barnaigh Panther of Barnaigh Templewood Atman
Mythe Malodka
Benita of Ardinge Blandin of Bransgore
Chara of Bransgore
Winjones Jiffy of Nenefen Kretchit of Kuban Kuban Almaz Mythe GrishkaMythe Mazeppa
Mythe Felia
Kestor Zmarovna Zmaros of Bransgore
Boriana of Bransgore
Kuban Baba Yaga Zmaros of Bransgore Akuratni of Romanoff
Templewood Rynda
Brizhi of Bransgore Brussiloff of Bransgore
Zagavor of Bransgore (Nitsichin)
Orita of MarethWickam of Silverpines Mythe Marinsky Mythe Mazeppa
Mythe Marika
Marketa of MantavaniWhite Crusader
Velikaya of Mantavani
Tanya of BarnaighBeau Brummel of BarnaighBedinovitch of Barnaigh
Shining Cloud
Sylph of Barnaigh Panther of Barnaigh
Benita of Ardinge
Winjones Dunyashka Moryak of Moskowa Mythe Marinsky Mythe Mazeppa Gornostay of Addlestone Podar of Notts
Aureola of Llanfair
Mythe Moya Mythe Maxim
Mythe Marova
Mythe Marika Mythe IvanoffIvan of Rebma
Mythe Vaga
Templewood Rynda Gornostay of Addlestone
Ariane O'Valley Farm
Moskowa Borzaya of BransgoreAkuratni of Romanoff Vigow O'Valley Farm Appraxin O'Valley Farm
Zohra Du Zwaenhoek
Zanoza of Recall Thello v Koenigsee (Romanoff)
Baba Yaga
Bransgore Mona Lisa Brussiloff of Bransgore Gornostay of Addlestone
Bransgore Cassia of Addlestone
Brodovka of Bransgore St George of Manderlea
Verona of Manderlea
Astrakan of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh Akuratni of Romanoff Vigow O'Valley Farm Appraxin O'Valley Farm
Zohra Du Zwaenhoek
Zanoza of Recall Thello v Koenigsee (Romanoff)
Baba Yaga
Brizhi of Bransgore Brussiloff of Bransgore Gornostay of Addlestone
Bransgore Cassia of Addlestone
Zagavor of Bransgore (Nitsichin) Felstead
Mythe Planza
Sylph of Barnaigh Panther of Barnaigh Templewood Atman Podar of Notts
Ariane O'Valley Farm
Mythe MalodkaGornostay of Addlestone
Mythe Moya
Benita of Ardinge Blandin of Bransgore Akuratni of Romanoff
Templewood Rynda
Chara of Bransgore Brazhnik of Bransgore
Zagavor of Bransgore (Nitsichin)
Galaxie of Malora,  сука,  21.06.1958
Потомки: Ilja of Sunbarr Ranch
Lady Luck of Malora Barinoff Ambassador Mazeppa Brazhnikoff Amber EleganceKazan ChessmanPeter of RebmaKing of Clubs
Joy of Rebma
Princess Poline
Salome of TangmereMythe Mazeppa Gornostay of Addlestone
Mythe Moya
Desdemona of TangmerePetroff of Beechwood
Otlika of Notts
Barinina of Barinoff Mythe Marinsky Mythe Mazeppa Gornostay of Addlestone
Mythe Moya
Mythe Marika Mythe Ivanoff
Templewood Rynda
Verba of Moskowa Baraban of Bransgore Brazhnik of Bransgore
Brodovka of Bransgore
Brussilovna of Bransgore Brussiloff of Bransgore
Zagavor of Bransgore (Nitsichin)
Zula of Whitelilies Moryak of Moskowa Mythe Marinsky Mythe Mazeppa Gornostay of Addlestone
Mythe Moya
Mythe Marika Mythe Ivanoff
Templewood Rynda
Moskowa Borzaya of BransgoreAkuratni of Romanoff Vigow O'Valley Farm
Zanoza of Recall
Bransgore Mona Lisa Brussiloff of Bransgore
Brodovka of Bransgore
Winjones Zorka Gorki of Mantavani Mythe GrishkaMythe Mazeppa
Mythe Felia
Marika of Mantavani White Crusader
Velikaya of Mantavani
Marya of Northfield Barthill Yousoupoff Mythe Grishka
Oda of Standerwick
DuskaWrays Golden Marquis
Erton Emerald
Lady Luck of Barnaigh вл. Mrs. K. McNeil White Hawk Sparrowhawk of Addlestone King of Diamonds of Addlestone Mischa of Addlestone Ramsden Rajah
Ramsden Radiant
Aida of Addlestone Mythe Mischa
Mythe Vanita
Vaynor Perfection Trumps of Addlestone Ramsden Rajah
Wulfruna MeteorRamsden Rajah
Wulfruna Melita
Earlstown Exorative Ripley Perfection Apostrophe Grand Duke of Addlestone
Dainty Anna
Ramsden Refrain Ramsden Ranger
Miss Piostri
Exodrial of Haywra Moscovy's RhapsodyApostrophe
Ramsden Refrain
Hyacinth of Muscovy Apostrophe
Belle O'Marton
Arncliffe Taritzia Ivan Ivanavitch
The Gift Grand Duke of Addlestone Michael of Addlestone Ramsden Rajah
Ramsden Radiant
Dounia of Addlestone Ramsden Ranger
Miss Piostri
Aida of Addlestone Mythe Mischa Ivan Turgeneff
Mythe VanitaClayton Snatcher
Mythe Vanda

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