Romulus of Sunbarr Malora's Bryan of Sunbarr Ilja v BerglandPolongai Porchai Krasnoje Selo Durak Deljanoff Krasnoje Selo Stepnjakov's Nikolai Achilles de la Félicité
Stepnjakov's Anna
Ruselka Krasnoje Selo Achilles de la Félicité
Czardas Krasnoje Selo
Moja Krasnoje Selo Aless v Vredewold Clown Beekaal
Kampajola v Vredewold
Ruselka Krasnoje Selo Achilles de la Félicité
Czardas Krasnoje Selo
Enke v BerglandYukon v Bergland Kyrill v Bergland Rasswet's Fanal
Fialka v Bergland
Jaspis v Bergland Figaro v Bergland
Lajana (La Jana) v Karamasov
Charis v Bismarkturm o. Zabel Fandango v Bergland Matador Ural
Laetitia de Ruwendael
Shoka v Bergland Infant v Silberhof
Jaspis v Bergland
Bright of Barnaigh Reyas Romancer Reyas Mende Moryak of Moskowa Mythe Marinsky
Moskowa Borzaya of Bransgore
Winjones Akulina Kuban Almaz
Astrakan of Barnaigh
Winjones Akulina Kuban Almaz Mythe Grishka
Kestor Zmarovna
Astrakan of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh
Sylph of Barnaigh
Onyx of Barnaigh Winjones Ataman Kuban Almaz Mythe Grishka
Kestor Zmarovna
Astrakan of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh
Sylph of Barnaigh
Natasha of BarnaighBargany of Barnaigh Akuratni of Romanoff
Brizhi of Bransgore
Berneice of Barnaigh Mythe Mauris
Miss Mazeppa of Barnaigh
Malora's Beata of Sunbarr Ilja v BerglandPolongai Porchai Krasnoje Selo Durak Deljanoff Krasnoje Selo Stepnjakov's Nikolai Achilles de la Félicité
Stepnjakov's Anna
Ruselka Krasnoje Selo Achilles de la Félicité
Czardas Krasnoje Selo
Moja Krasnoje Selo Aless v Vredewold Clown Beekaal
Kampajola v Vredewold
Ruselka Krasnoje Selo Achilles de la Félicité
Czardas Krasnoje Selo
Enke v BerglandYukon v Bergland Kyrill v Bergland Rasswet's Fanal
Fialka v Bergland
Jaspis v Bergland Figaro v Bergland
Lajana (La Jana) v Karamasov
Charis v Bismarkturm o. Zabel Fandango v Bergland Matador Ural
Laetitia de Ruwendael
Shoka v Bergland Infant v Silberhof
Jaspis v Bergland
Bright of Barnaigh Reyas Romancer Reyas Mende Moryak of Moskowa Mythe Marinsky
Moskowa Borzaya of Bransgore
Winjones Akulina Kuban Almaz
Astrakan of Barnaigh
Winjones Akulina Kuban Almaz Mythe Grishka
Kestor Zmarovna
Astrakan of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh
Sylph of Barnaigh
Onyx of Barnaigh Winjones Ataman Kuban Almaz Mythe Grishka
Kestor Zmarovna
Astrakan of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh
Sylph of Barnaigh
Natasha of BarnaighBargany of Barnaigh Akuratni of Romanoff
Brizhi of Bransgore
Berneice of Barnaigh Mythe Mauris
Miss Mazeppa of Barnaigh
Sunbarr Berbeg Kashek Pasha,  Male,  mhgy brnd wh mkgs,  22.10.1968 (d.m.y)
Patricia of Sunbarr Beau Gest of Sunbarr Ranch Vagabond of Sunbarr Ranch Ramadi of Sunbarr Ranch Tobolzkoi Krasnoje Selo Polongai Porchai Krasnoje Selo Durak Deljanoff Krasnoje Selo
Moja Krasnoje Selo
Kaskade v Silberhof Götz v Silberhof
Ottij v Silberhof
Solo of Barnaigh Reyas Romancer Reyas Mende
Winjones Akulina
Chinchilla of BarnaighYerres Vom Bergland [Menthes]
Domino of Barnaigh
Hoheit v BerglandPolongai Porchai Krasnoje Selo Durak Deljanoff Krasnoje Selo Stepnjakov's Nikolai
Ruselka Krasnoje Selo
Moja Krasnoje Selo Aless v Vredewold
Ruselka Krasnoje Selo
Charis v Bismarkturm o. Zabel Fandango v Bergland Matador Ural
Laetitia de Ruwendael
Shoka v Bergland Infant v Silberhof
Jaspis v Bergland
Zanoza of Whiskey Run Hill Winjones Janda Mazeppa Brazhnikoff Amber EleganceKazan Chessman
Salome of Tangmere
Barinina of Barinoff Mythe Marinsky
Verba of Moskowa
Astrakan of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh Akuratni of Romanoff
Brizhi of Bransgore
Sylph of Barnaigh Panther of Barnaigh
Benita of Ardinge
Ninotchka of Whiskey Run Hil Shandu The Shadow of Malora Prince Sergei Ivanovitch Adams' Bolshoi
Rubinoff Babe
Honey Baby of Neva Jskra Grosny O'Valley Farm
Neva Jskra
Uhlanita of Ashtonia Volk O'Baron's Wood Great Rubinof of Bratzlaf
Laska O'Baron's Wood
Nikita of Waltonia Ugra of Waltonia
Red Zohra of Hensy Hobby Farm
Shelbor Anadyomere Arnorinski of Greenhaven Marcellus of Fortrouge Eglon of Rydens Rimski of Rydens Mythe Marinsky
Mermaid of Tangmere
Olga of Lenoken Ivan of Lenoken
Jewel of Lenoken
Fleur of Fortrouge Eglon of Rydens Rimski of Rydens
Olga of Lenoken
Folly of Fortrouge St Arven's Moscow Moonlight
Krown Khassia
Winjones Radonga Valdaihills Jock Jinks Valdaihills Acktiv Eglon of Rydens
Belle of The Valdaihills
Pride of The Valdaihills Luka
Bizarre of Ardinge
Winjones Dunyashka Moryak of Moskowa Mythe Marinsky
Moskowa Borzaya of Bransgore
Astrakan of Barnaigh Bargany of Barnaigh
Sylph of Barnaigh
Reyas Sapphire of BorrowskaMarcellus of Fortrouge Eglon of Rydens Rimski of Rydens Mythe Marinsky
Mermaid of Tangmere
Olga of Lenoken Ivan of Lenoken
Jewel of Lenoken
Fleur of Fortrouge Eglon of Rydens Rimski of Rydens
Olga of Lenoken
Folly of Fortrouge St Arven's Moscow Moonlight
Krown Khassia
Katya Lolenskia Fieldfare of Ukrania Gay Cavalier of Yadasar Winjones Ermolai
Winjones Bolshaia
Cassia of Ukrania Ivanoff of Rydens
Zinnia of Ukrania
Kuban Katya Curio of Fortrouge Moryak of Moskowa
Ingrid of Fortrouge
Kuban's Mantilla of Yof Yof's Maxim of Moscow
Zilda of The Volga

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