Trumps of Addlestone Ramsden Rajah Ramsden Ranger Padiham Nordia Fedia Velsk Korotai
Vikhra o. Chebysheff
Grand Duchess Alma 96 Lebith
Czarina Lubedka 94
NorahKorotai Ataman I o. Waltsoff D.P.
Sudarka (Gleboff) o. Gleboff
Windle Dainty o. Wellesley Demon o. Wellesley (Nirod)
Olga III o. Lord Kilmorey
Dainty Kieff Fedia Velsk
Grand Duchess Alma 96
Ina Golub' Valtsov o. Ozeroff
Windle Dainty o. Wellesley
Maid of Honor Windle Courtier Korotai
Windle Snow
RuskildaAtaman o. Seig
Miss Piostri Piostri Windle Earl OusladAtaman I o. Waltsoff D.P.
Podruga II o. Sokoloff
Windle Flo Korotai
Windle Snow
Alston Queen Windle Courtier Korotai
Windle Snow
KatchaKaissah II
Princess Rubykoff Statesman Windle Earl Ouslad
Windle Flo
Windle Princess Korotai
Windle Snow
Heloise Prince Galitzin Korotai
Windle Dainty o. Wellesley
Neva Zlobny
Yenia Ramsden Ranger Padiham Nordia Fedia Velsk Korotai
Vikhra o. Chebysheff
Grand Duchess Alma 96 Lebith
Czarina Lubedka 94
NorahKorotai Ataman I o. Waltsoff D.P.
Sudarka (Gleboff) o. Gleboff
Windle Dainty o. Wellesley Demon o. Wellesley (Nirod)
Olga III o. Lord Kilmorey
Dainty Kieff Fedia Velsk
Grand Duchess Alma 96
Ina Golub' Valtsov o. Ozeroff
Windle Dainty o. Wellesley
Maid of Honor Windle Courtier Korotai
Windle Snow
RuskildaAtaman o. Seig
Belle of MayfairMythe Czar Kieff Fedia Velsk
Grand Duchess Alma 96
Ina Golub' Valtsov o. Ozeroff
Windle Dainty o. Wellesley
SalabaWindle Courtier Korotai
Windle Snow
RuskildaAtaman o. Seig
Rolf of Addlestone,  Male,  wh brdl,  13.07.1913 (d.m.y)
Offsprings: Rolf of Anoakia
Sylvia of AddlestoneRanger's BestRamsden Ranger Padiham Nordia Fedia Velsk Korotai
Vikhra o. Chebysheff
Grand Duchess Alma 96 Lebith
Czarina Lubedka 94
NorahKorotai Ataman I o. Waltsoff D.P.
Sudarka (Gleboff) o. Gleboff
Windle Dainty o. Wellesley Demon o. Wellesley (Nirod)
Olga III o. Lord Kilmorey
Dainty Kieff Fedia Velsk
Grand Duchess Alma 96
Ina Golub' Valtsov o. Ozeroff
Windle Dainty o. Wellesley
Maid of Honor Windle Courtier Korotai
Windle Snow
RuskildaAtaman o. Seig
Ramsden RuthStanovoiKieff Fedia Velsk
Grand Duchess Alma 96
Ina Golub' Valtsov o. Ozeroff
Windle Dainty o. Wellesley
LadogaVelsk Votrio Velsk
Tsaritsa 95
Lady VashkaBarin Khedis
Lady Liska
Mauretania Strawberry King o. Mrs. Aitchinson, S.C.S. Kieff Fedia Velsk Korotai
Vikhra o. Chebysheff
Grand Duchess Alma 96 Lebith
Czarina Lubedka 94
Ina Golub' Valtsov o. OzeroffAtaman II o. Ozeroff
Golubka II o. Ozeroff
Windle Dainty o. Wellesley Demon o. Wellesley (Nirod)
Olga III o. Lord Kilmorey
Maid of Honor Windle Courtier Korotai Ataman I o. Waltsoff D.P.
Sudarka (Gleboff) o. Gleboff
Windle Snow Demon o. Wellesley (Nirod)
Olga III o. Lord Kilmorey
RuskildaAtaman o. SeigAtaman II o. Ozeroff
Almazka o. Ozeroff
Vodky Zlobny
Azima Ivan Turgeneff White Tzar Korotai Ataman I o. Waltsoff D.P.
Sudarka (Gleboff) o. Gleboff
Vikhra o. Chebysheff Golub' Valtsov o. Ozeroff
Vedma II
Sunbeam Windle Earl Ouslad
Windle Flo
Windle Princess Korotai
Windle Snow
MystraCaspian Fedia Velsk
Grand Duchess Alma 96
Ina Golub' Valtsov o. Ozeroff
Windle Dainty o. Wellesley
Selwood Strelka Krylat o. Wellesley (ex.Durasoff)Dorogoy
Nagla o. Korotnyeff
Nagla II

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